Friday, September 25, 2009

Jesus Truck

Close your eyes, pray for plagues,
Oh Lord, cleanse this Earth and bring upon our dooms day

Bring me the horizon

This girl is everything, what is goth about. And I ask myself why I still didn't draw her.
Well, this is unforgiven mistake.
Now I have to die.

And this is her drawing.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Baby monster likes piano

Baby monster doesn't want to scare people anymore.
Baby monster wants to be a famous composer.

My parents always tell me, that reading makes people smarter.

A while ago I worked on comic book "Funkotronic", but this project is lost in time, so I decided to put some staff from it.
This toy of main character - a kid, who is a half robot-half human.

My Drawing
Concept by Richard Emms
Sculpture by GensenFigure.

News! News! News!
a) Ok, first of all the main event will happen on 2nd-4th october.
I will take apart on artist exhibition at the Long Beach Comic Convention.
My place is 74B

Hello, California!
Well, I hope american kids will like Who Never Sleep comic book and also I have, I haVE, I HAVE to see american comicbook artists. J Scott Campbell will be there and Stan Lee and others. Well, I gotta see those guys!!
If someone of my friends from DA will be there - I'll be glad to see you.

b) Ok the next part is. My new comic book soon will be launch. I hope it will happen in end of october. This will be action story about samurai. That's it for now, soon I tell you some more.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Protect me from what I want