Friday, August 23, 2024

Music response

My new artwork is done.

I tried to do something interesting with the lighting.

Here is the pencil sketch from my last drawing. You can see some things have changed since then.
No bookshelf and no arm.
The arm was a bit weird when I started to put colors on it. It was taking too much attention from "what is really important".
Even when I was making the arm really dark, it was still looking weird. I even took a couple of photos of my wife to check if it's possible to put the arm like this with that angle. And it's not possible.
So the decision was just to remove it.
The same I did with the bookshelf.
I decided to put on character wings and It was just not looking good together with the bookshelf, so I removed it.
That's pretty much it, the rest stays as it is.

A little bit of drawing process
Music Alizée - Moi... Lolita

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