Sunday, March 31, 2013

Alligator attack!

Didn't draw girls with orange hair for a while, so it's good day to do so

Some drawings that client didn`t approve (hmm... interesting why?) done for 87 Seconds

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Feed me fear

Just new drawing. I was really inspired by Hotel Transylvania while made it. The background is still looks unfinished, but in some moment I just tired to color it -_-

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Vitamin C

I called this little comic "Vitamin C". Sometimes it's hard to see the difference between orange and grapefruit till you slice it up

A small exercise I made for workshop "Internet of Things" in Sint-Lukas Brussel. Just to experiment a little with live footage and AfterEffects animation

Soundtrack is taken from many NES games. And Pacman song is by MartyParty